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Benches & Stations

Commercial Benches, Power Racks & Smith Machines are standard pieces of exercise equipment found in commercial gyms. Both are commonly used for weight training exercises such as squats, bench presses, and shoulder presses.

The guide rods of the Smith Machine eliminate the need for users to balance barbells, focusing their attention exclusively on lifting the weight up & down. Plates are loaded onto the bar ends to increase the load, and users can place safety stops on the guide rails so the bar won't descend below a predetermined point.

A power rack consists of a sturdy metal frame in which users are able to safely lift heavy barbells while performing free-weight exercises. By adjusting horizontal bars within the sides of the rack, users determine how far the barbell can be lowered. Power racks have no mechanical movement parts however provide a safe environment for performing free-weight exercises. These racks also come with attachments for chin-ups and dips, giving additional versatility to the unit.

To find the best bench, power rack &/or Smith machine for your business, contact our Commercial Sales Representative today!

TRUE is Impacting Fitness. TRUE has a thirty-four year history making the world’s most premium cardio equipment. Now, they are taking that same manufacturing and design quality and bringing it to you in the new FORCE strength line. All of the features you have come to associate with TRUE are found in the FORCE line…quality, durability, craftsmanship and superior aesthetics. Welcome to the new TRUE. FLAT/INCLINE BENCH KEY FEATURES: Reinforced pivot points create a rock solid feel in every adjustment position. Seat and back pads are operatively connected to provide the correct spacing between pads in every adjustment position. Integrated transport wheels and handle make the bench easy to move. Integrated head enhances the premium aesthetics
TRUE is Impacting Fitness. TRUE has a thirty-four year history making the world’s most premium cardio equipment. Now, they are taking that same manufacturing and design quality and bringing it to you in the new FORCE strength line. All of the features you have come to associate with TRUE are found in the FORCE line…quality, durability, craftsmanship and superior aesthetics. Welcome to the new TRUE. AB BENCH KEY FEATURES: Compact space saving design. Two piece pad with calf support adds to the user comfort and enhances the premium aesthetics.
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